Workplace Wellness - Is Your Workplace Growing Food?


Even corporate can join our Grow Your Food movement on-site with Vegepods through our TeamGrow community program.

Family-owned Hancocks Wine & Spirits Merchant's in Auckland NZ, are really showing leadership in workplace wellness - both body AND mind!

Business owner Joe, is a champion of sustainability and existing Vegepod owner. Discovering both the sustainable and wellness benefits of edible gardening himself at home, Joe had decided to offer a meaningful gift for his team and install 20 large Vegepods in the carpark space of his business! This particular community garden is for his staff to grow their food, take produce home to their families, and provide access to a therapeutic greenspace just a few steps from the office back door.  We need more bosses like Joe! 

Through our 'TeamGrow' program, your team can enjoy nature-based therapy through a thriving edible oasis in the middle of a concrete jungle! 

Get on to your management and mention the evidential “go anywhere” Vegepod gardens and their TeamGrow program which can be done one of two ways:-
1) on-site for one’s own teams’ wellness and team building OR
2) at a needy community group’s site (think hospitals, elder care, disabilities, social housing, refuges, rehabilitation spaces, temporary accommodations, daycares, schools, prisons etc) so as to have not only a team building exercise but also a corporate social responsibility initiative.

Please contact to receive a flyer and more information regarding our workshop installations. 



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