Greenhouse Or Vegepod?

Are you in need of a covered garden but have no idea what will work best? Tunnel house? Greenhouse? Vegepod? Let’s break down the differences between Greenhouses and Vegepod Raised Garden Beds.


There are lots of benefits from having a greenhouse, however, there are just as many disadvantages that you might not have thought about. Choosing a Vegepod can actually solve these disadvantages – believe us, let’s explain how and why.

Greenhouses come in many shapes and sizes, to different levels of quality, and the interior can often be customised with shelves and workbenches. Greenhouses protect plants from harsh weather conditions, like snow, wind or rain. They can protect against some pests too. Another cool thing about greenhouses is that you can actually be in them, so you get to enjoy a little house for you and your plants. BUT, before you get too excited, reality check, you’re forgetting you are unable to grow where you stand or walk.

To build or buy a greenhouse can be very costly and depending on the style you want, you can easily be spending hundreds or thousands of pounds green that needs constant maintenance and additional equipment. Even before you have selected your greenhouse you may have to do extensive groundworks to ensure you have a stable flat and solid area. Greenhouses often require additional heaters or fans to regulate the temperature as the temperature can vary significantly, they can be super-hot or super-cold. Not only that you’re paying to heat all the air above paths where your crops or plants are unless you’re really clever with shelving systems Greenhouses can also reduce the moisture in the air, meaning the soil can tend to dry out faster and requires more regular watering or bespoke irrigation systems. This just adds more cost.

Diseases are also an issue – it’s kind of like sticking one person with a highly contagious illness in a confined space with healthy people. Give it a day or two, and everyone will be feeling not-so-great. But you wouldn’t do that, would you? So why would you do it to your plants? Well, if you can constantly monitor each and every plant in your greenhouse to ensure there are no diseases, you might be okay, but more often than not, if one plant has a disease, suddenly all of them have.

Vegepods however, also come indifferent shapes and sizes to fit your space accordingly. You could have one, two or twelve and keep within the cost of some greenhouses! Optional wheels andstands can lift them to working height and make for elevated garden beds that are easy to move around, unlike a greenhouse. They also protect against harsh weather conditions and from pests. With the permeable mesh, optimum growing conditions are achieved where soil is moist and light, air and some rain can pass through the canopy to boost your growing capabilities significantly. Not to mention pulling over the hothouse instantly creates the greenhouse effect. There is a downside – you cannot get inside the Vegepod, well you can but not when plants are growing. Anyway who really wants to be in a HOT and humid greenhouse, plants!!!! But there’s nothing stopping you from making a little border with your Vegepod(s) neatly set inside, to make a sanctuary just for you.

Check out our range of Hot House (winter) covers here



If you want to plant lots of veggies or just a small amount, Vegepods have different sizes. If you have limited space, Vegepods are compact and easy to move. If you sometimes go on holiday, don’t worry! Vegepods are self-watering. If you want to tend to your plants, not the tunnel house, greenhouse or planter itself, then a Vegepod, or two, or three, is for you! And with little to no maintenance required, you’ll wonder why you didn’t invest in a Vegepod sooner!

If you’re umm-ing and ahh-ing about getting a greenhouse, don’t forget to consider the factors of high cost and maintenance, and remember that the condition for your plants is most important. These are the troubles that brought Vegepods into fruition, so click here to find out more about our expert designed Vegepod range.

Features: Benefits:
Small, Medium and Large Sizes Fits in all spaces & can plant a little or a lot!
Raised Container Garden Bed Elevated garden beds keep the plants away from pests on the ground.
Self-watering wicking system Waters plants from below and has a high-volume irriga- tion system. No more worrying about your plants when you’re away!
Polyethylene knitted mesh cover Allows light, air and rain in, but blocks from harsh UV and pests.
Accessories: wheels, stands and more. Can easily move your Vegepod on wheels, or work at height with stands.
Click here to learn more about Vegepods