Growth Tips for Beginner Gardeners

You can grow virtually anything in a Vegepod. From small seasonal and perennial herbs to large rooty veggies such as carrots, beets, and turnips. Even long vines such as cucumbers and zucchinis or tall crops e.g. corn and fruit shrub trees can be grown. However, what are the beginner vegetables that grow easily and how can you get them started?


food-wood-tomatoes Tomatoes are a staple in most beginner gardens. Not only are they a popular fruit (or vegetable depending on where you stand on that debate), they’re also a foolproof harvest. Just make sure to plant them in warm weather, in a space likely to get 6 hours of sunshine. Plant the seeds 45 cm away from each other. For cherry and Roma tomatoes, you don’t even have to use a tomato cage. Just place them into good quality soil and let them grow wild.

Pro tip: mix a handful of organic fertiliser into each planting hole to really see results.


basil-917999_960_720 There is nothing like clipping fresh basil and using it in the kitchen to make something amazing. Basil thrives in well-drained soil, making it a wonderful edition to the Vegepod container, which is self-watering. Basil also loves to be placed next to tomatoes since they have similar water and sunlight needs, but different root depth. Plant your Basil seedlings (or stems) 30cm apart, or consider choosing the smaller spicy globe basil if you are using the smaller, balcony pods. Give the basil (and tomatoes) water when the soil is dry to touch by watering the plants at their base (but remember, if using a Vegepod, the need for watering is greatly reduced given the stored reservoirs below the beds).

Pro tip: some tomatoes are said to even taste better when placed next to basil.


mint-793078_960_720 Great for teas and garnishes, mint is a fast-growing herb that can be used in sweet and savoury dishes. This makes it the perfect all-rounder and beginner favourite. Mint thrives in moist, well-drained sites (such as the Vegepod) and you can place them in a shady spot (they only need 3-4 hours of light). Plant the mint seeds or stems a metre apart from each other, as it’s a big grower. For the balcony pods, you will probably only need one mint bushel.


Pro tip: Top dress their soil with compost or organic fertiliser every few months and they should be ready to pick. That’s it for part one of growth tips for beginner plants. What vegetables do you want pod tips on next? Do you have any growth secrets to share? Comment and let us know! We’d love to find out.

1 comment

Maurice Shirley

We have just purchased a large vegepod and have planted some potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, dwarf beans, spring onions, and beetroot. As we are 1st timers in this venture it’s like an adventure. Have we planted too much? Is the vegepod able to sustain growth of these vegetables given that Autumn is here in Hamilton N.Z. The pod is in a sunny spot where it gets maximum sunlight.

Maurice Shirley

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