As kids, we're taught ‘eat carrots to see in the dark’ and ‘spinach will give you muscles’. However, as adults, it seems we have lost the lesson our mums told us - to eat your veggies. According to 2015 ABS figures, only 1 in 20 Australians consume enough vegetables per day. In this blog, Vegepod speculates as to why this is and provides a thesis (literally) for how to change our veg consumption.
According to the Sydney Market Reporting Service, supermarkets get as high as a 76% share of the final price of fruit and veg, while growers feel the squeeze. One of the reasons for this is the general duopoly supermarket retailers have on the groceries market in Australia. Another reason is affordability. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, the final shop price is based on what consumers are typically willing to pay and, Australians are often willing to pay premium prices.
Lastly, Evie’s thesis noted there was evidence for socio-psychological benefits associated with vegetable production and its increased consumption. In other words, she noted home gardens, such as the pod, were not only cost effective and user-friendly, they encourage healthy lifestyles. Scientific studies show home growing increases our understanding of nutrition, makes us less sedentary, happier and, in certain areas, it can help some overcome food availability and access. It also helps people in Australia avoid malnutrition and chronic disease! Our thanks to Evie Murdoch for sending us her Ph.D. thesis and research. Hopefully, one day we’ll all be happily home gardening, and this will help supermarkets to give growers a fairer go!
Why are fruit and vegetables so expensive in Australia?

Home Gardening as a Strategy to Increase Our Veggie Consumption
Recently, we got in touch with Evie Murdoch who has written her Ph.D. thesis on the benefits of small-scale home vegetable production. Having read Evie’s thesis, we think there are a few interesting takeaway points. Firstly, Evie compared the supermarket value of specific produce with the total cost of produce grown in a raised garden bed. The raised bed came out on top. This was despite issues such as pests, poor soil quality, and small space, which Evie told us our Vegepods would help with. Evie noted the total savings were 70c/day using a home garden, compared to supermarket shopping. This was despite previous findings that specified home gardens needed to be bigger to contain high-value crops such as broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and garlic.It’ll also decrease our health bills!

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